Here's Tintin walking in the cold. Warm, good clothing is needed. Today, 24th February, little Tintin became exactely 19 month.

It's a bathing tub made of wood behind her, and as you can see there's no snow where she's standing even though it's the same place and the same day.
Click on the picktures and they will enlarge!
Today it has been a very nice and sunny day, still quite cold but you can feel that the sun is warming up and the spring is on its way. I can feel it on the smell in the air. It's a special "spring smell", and the birds sounds different.
Is there anyone else who can feel some kind of smell when the spring is near?
1 kommentar:
I can feel the warmth of the sun and know that Spring is coming...and now our daffodils are blooming! Can you believe it!! The birds are migrating, so yes there are different calls now. It is still quite cold here, and perhaps I feel that most because we walk Barker so early in the morning before it has warmed up. I am hoping we will have more seasonal temperatures by next week!
Tintin and Agnes are adorable, as usual! I know you must enjoy them immensely!!
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