Here’s the ingredients and how to do:
4 salmon fillets (4 st laxfiléer)
Salt and lemon pepper
½ a fine shred leek (½ finstrimlad purjolök)
butter to fry in (smör att steka i)
Cold sauce:
2 dl 15% crème fraiche
1 dl whip cream (1 dl vispgrädde)
2 tbs mayonnaise (2 tsk majonnäs)
About 1 tbs of dried or fresh dill (ca 1 msk torkad eller färsk dill
Boiled haricots verts, green beans (kokta gröna bönor)
Salt and pepper the salmon on both sides and grease the oven ware with butter or oil. Fine shred the leek and put it on top of the salmon or if you prefer on the side of the salmon. Put it all in a 200° C hot oven for about 15-20 minutes.
Meanwhile the salmon is in the oven blend together the crème fraiche sauce and boil the green beans.
2 kommentarer:
MMMMMMMMM: sounds delish!
Once this crazy, crazy week is over, I hope to make your lovely dinner!
Yum, yum! jag som har lax i frysen, cf finns alltid i kylen fruktfaten är numera oftast fyllda med citon och lime :) Jag vet vad det blir till middag i dag!
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