onsdag, december 05, 2007

A New TV and My Grandchildren!

Well, today it's a whole week since you heard something from me so I thought that it was time for a little chatt again ;-)

Today I bought my self a new "little" TV for the kitchen. I was tired of the old, small and thick one. The new also had a DVD-player built in, so that was a little bonus =)
So when I came home from my shopping I started to make dinner AND installed my new TV at the same time.
I'm pleased both with my new TV and the dinner we had. I haven't tried the DVD-player yet but intend to that tomorrow.
19" DENVER Wide-Screen
LCD/TFT TV with slide-in DVD-player

A little movie with Tintin, 4 month and Agnes, soon three years old.


3 kommentarer:

Judy sa...

What a cute little movie of your grandchildren!!!
You installed the new TV yourself? Now that is something I wouldn't even think of doing! I don't think I'd even buy a TV by myself: I am so impressed with what you do!


Eva Hagbjärn sa...

I almost always buy and install the electronics (TV, DVD-player, comouter, cell phones, you name it) in this house.
Bertil has as we say, the tumb in the middle of his hand when it comes to these things =))))


Anonym sa...

Hej Eva!

Tack för den fina kommentaren til min nya blogg, du är ju värsta veteranen ser jag! Hoppas allt är bra med dig och att du fortfarande har roligt med ditt fotograferande :-)