Gekås sell quite simply everything (not furniture) you need in a home.
When people come to this shopping center they shop like madmen because almost everything there is very, very cheap.
Fortunately I do not belong to these mad people. I go there just to have a fun day, (then it’s another thing if I find something I want or need. Usually I don’t find anything for my self. Instead I buy cloths and toys for my grandchildren and sometimes I buy something for my children.
We stayed there until about 14.30 and then we headed for home.
On Thursday next week they are going to have a special day at Agnes day nursery so she’s going to dress up as Pippi Longstocking. I, or more right Maria, found a dress at GEKÅ’s for children that contented Pippi’s whole outfit. You can see what she looked like below, when she tried it on.
He’s a cute little baby with many “faces”.
Next Wednesday, the 24th, he’s exactly three month old.
6 kommentarer:
Does Agnes like her Pippi costume? She looks a bit dubious. But she is adoreable nonetheless! Tintin is very handsome. He reminds me of baby pictures of my brother, so there must be some "common" family genes being passed along.
Underbart söt lilla Agnes.
Vad kostade Pippidräkten, vet du det?
Hade varit roligt att köpa till Moa och Klara julklapp.
Hej Jonna!
Pippi kostymen kostade 149kr och peruken 69.95k. Överkommligt tycker jag. Det fanns Pippiskor också men tyckte inte det var så lyckat för de var så långa. Tror de kostade ca 70-90kr.
Helt ok pris. Var ju på Astrid Lindgrens värld i somras och då kostade kostymerna närmre 400:- st och då måste vi ha dubbelt. Blev lite för dyrt tycker jag. Men 149:- är ju mer överkomligt om man skall köpa 2 st.
Today is the "big Pippi day" at Agnes' daycare. They're going to play games and do things that Pippi does, in the stories about her, al day. For ex. bake gingerbread cookies on the floor, sleep with their feet on their pillows and clean the floors using the cleaning brushes as skates... Well, I'm not absolutely sure about the last thing with the floor cleaning, but I sertainly hope it's done in some way BEFORE and AFTER the baking :-)
I hope she will have a fun day =)
xo Grandma
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