Har inte hunnit vänja mig vid den riktigt ännu, men kan ju redan nu säga att det är mycket roligare att fota med den här än med en kompaktkamera.
I’ve bought my self a new camera. Not the most excellent one but better then the once I’ve had before. Just thought that it was an “enough” system camera for me. The camera has got lots of good recommendations in all tests that I’ve read at the Internet and in PC magazines tests.I haven’t had time to get use to it yet, but I can already now say that it’s much more fun to take picks with this one than it is with a compact camera.

3 kommentarer:
Looks wonderful!!! Can't wait to see some new pix!!
You have already seen one picture. The acorns =)
Åh, vad roligt du kommer att ha. Det är jättekul, det lovar jag dig.
Kram Jonna
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