fredag, augusti 10, 2007

Roe deers in The Backyard!

Just ten meters from our house in the back yard,
we saw this beautiful animal. A Roe Deer...
...and her little baby kid.

Here they have seen us and flee away from us.

Little Tintin this afternoon.
He's 17 days today.

Agnes and "Morfar Muffins" as Agnes calls Grandpa Bertil.
She's a real joker that little girl.


2 kommentarer:

Judy sa...

What great pics of the deer! We saw a deer quite closeby while we were in NH last week.
Cute pic of Agnes and Mormar Muffins!!


Jonna sa...

Underbara bilder på barnen.

Grattis förresten, tror minsann inte jag har grattat er till lilla Tintin.

Kram Jonna