Jag blev lite inspirerad av Judys "matblogg", så här kommer ett recept på en jättegod och lättlagad soppa som vi hade till middag igår ;-)
2-4 pers.
3-5 hg blandfärs, 1 stor purjolök, 4-6 dl strimlad vitkål, 2-4 msk senap, 1 liter buljong (1 liter vatten+2 buljongtärningar), 1-2 msk Kinesisk Soya, salt och peppar.
Var försiktig med saltet! Både soyan, senapen och buljongen är salt.
Bryn färsen, strimla vitkålen och skär purjon i bitar. Bryn vitkålen och purjon ihop med färsen. Häll i buljong, senap, soya och kryddor. Låt koka ca 15-20 minuter.
Servera en god ost smörgås till, gärna knäckebröd.
Smaklig måltid!

I became a little bit inspired by Judy's "foodblog", so here's a recipe on a very good and easy made soup that we had for dinner yesterday ;-)
Nicola soup
2-4 pers.
3-5 hg mixed minced meat (50/50 beef/pork), 1 big leek, 4-6 dl (deciliter) shredded cabbage, 2-4 tsp mustard, 1 liter bouillon (1 liter water+2 stock cubes), 1-2 tsp Chinese Soya sauce, salt and pepper.
Be careful with the salt! Both the mustard, soya and the bouillon is salt.
Brown the minced meat, strip the cabbage and cut the leek in pieces. Now, brown also the cabbage and leek together with the minced meat. Pour the bouillon, mustard, soya, salt and pepper into the saucepan. Let the soup boil for about 15-20 minutes.
Serve a good sandwich with chees, perhaps crispbread, to the soup
Tasty meal!
Judy! This is what I did yesterday at about 3:00 PM ;-)
1 kommentar:
Yummmm! It sounds delish!! I'm going to forward this to both Kristin and Craig, as it sounds like something that they would enjoy cooking during the colder winter months.
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