tisdag, maj 02, 2006


Still no sandbox granddaddy...!
Agnes picking Wood Anemones (today).

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Hi Eva!

Wonderful picture of your pretty granddaughter! I just love it. It's a prize winning picture, really.

Best love,
from your cousin Marie-Anne

Eva Hagbjärn sa...

Hi Marie-Anne!
I'm glad you like my pictures :-)
But I don't think they can be prize winning. The sharpness isn't good enough. Perhaps the motif could be prize winning. To get good pictures I've to be quick both in mind and fingers. Then the quality will be suffering because I'm not that good photographer, yet ;-)
Agnes is such grateful object to photograph. She's, most of the time anyhow, glad and she's so aware of why I'm having that funny thing, (the camera) in front of my face. She's such wise and sensible little girl.
Please give my love to Ruth and Jean. My mother told me that they use to view my blog :-)
Love and hugs from your cousine Eva